Meet the
Wonderful People behind Sommerville
Heather is the Manager. Heather is responsible for The Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education contracts. Heather manages all staff, works along side clients their families/whanau, and is responsible for the general day to day running of the centre.
Heather attends meetings with various agencies and schools. Heather is a “hands on” manager and enjoys interaction with clients their families/whanau and the local community. Heather has many years experience in the disability sector, with a background in Hospitality Management.
Heather has The National Certificate in Human Services and The National Certificate in Business Management.
Gavin is the Finance Manager. He is responsible for ALL Sommerville’s finances. Gavin has over 17 years of accounting experience which he puts to good use to ensure that the society operates in a fiscally efficient manner. However this is not Gavin’s first stint with the organisation. Between 1986 and 1989 when the organisation was “The Wanganui Branch of the Crippled Children Society” Gavin was the minibus driver and computer tutor. He left to pursue an accounting degree and stated that he would return.
Tracy is the Team Leader of the Abilities Centre. Tracy works with clients to develop their plans and identify their goals then develops a visual plan to suit the needs of the clients. Tracy assists with obtaining information for clients, families/whanau.
Tracy plans all cooking classes, finds good healthy and economical recipes and a with clients purchases the required ingredients, Tracy then prints the recipes in a way the clients can follow them.
Tracy teaches general life skills and appropriate behaviour, and then assists clients to be actively participating in the local community.
Tracy has The National Certificate in Human Services
Trev runs the computer suite assisting adult clients to keep up to date with the latest in information technology. Trev also runs the after school computer club for school children. Trev supervises clients while they are doing their work placements.
Trev looks after the grounds and maintenance of Sommerville and Stepping Stones preschool often with the help of clients showing them how to tackle the big jobs.
Trev has The National Certificate in Human Services.
Jeff runs sports activities, swimming, and tutors cooking classes and assists clients to be involved in our local community, He takes clients out to various places they show an interest in visiting. Jeff has The National Certificate in Human Services.
Bryan, after being a client for many years with an interest in computers began assisting Trev in our computer suite in 2001. Bryan assists with our after school computer club. Bryan has obtained his full driver’s licence.
Leigh is Respite Carer Coordinator. Leigh has vast experience in the disability sector, first caring for elderly then moving to care for people with disabilities. Leigh trains carers then matches them with families of children with disabilities.
Leigh assists in the administration department.
Leigh chairs the Agency Network meetings held at Sommerville monthly.
Margaret has many years of administrative experience. Margaret handles general reception and accounting duties, including Stepping Stones Preschool accounts.
Margaret is a trained assessor for The Total Mobility Scheme, assesses and issues Total Mobility Taxi Vouchers.
Margaret issues Sommerville Disability Parking Identification Permits.
Cathy is a client at Sommerville; Cathy has been employed as the Cleaner since 2004. Cathy enjoys her work making sure that all areas of the centre are kept clean and tidy. Cathy assists Margaret in the office when she has spare time.
Nicole is a client at Sommerville; Nicole is employed as the Laundry Assistant. Nicole is responsible for all the centre and Stepping Stones Preschool laundry. Nicole has held this position since 2008.
Brigitte is a client at Sommerville and is employed as the Gardener. Brigitte keeps the gardens weed free and tidy. Brigitte enjoys planting new plants and watching them grow particularly pretty flowers. Brigitte has been employed as the gardener for Sommerville since 2009.
Roz is a volunteer at Sommerville in the Abilities Centre; Roz assists staff and clients with various activities. Roz enjoys her time at the centre and Sommerville value Roz’s input.

Our Services
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Contact Us
45 Campbell Street, P.O Box 540 Wanganui New Zealand
(06) 345 0566 0508 | 0508 Support (0508 787-7678)